Payment and Security

Payment and Security
What payment methods do you accept? Are these payment methods secure?
We accept Visa and MasterCard. We will send an order confirmation email as soon as you place your order.

Is my personal information confidential?
While we strive to protect the security and integrity of the information provided to us, we cannot guarantee complete protection against unauthorized access due to the open nature of the Internet as a global communication tool. Therefore, it is possible that your information may be compromised during transmission over the Internet or while stored on our systems.

In the unlikely event that we determine that the security of your personal information in our possession may have been compromised, we may seek to notify you. If notification is warranted, we will inform you as quickly as possible based on the specific circumstances. If we have your email address, we may use it to notify you. Unless you provide another means for us to contact you in such situations, you consent to receive notifications via email.
